Late abstract submitted after 4/30 will only be considered for poster presentation.

Submission Deadline
Travel Award Submission Closes | March 15, 2023 (23:59 GMT+8) |
Abstract Submission Closes | April 30, 2023 (23:59 GMT+8) |
Registration Deadline for Presenting Author | May 15, 2023 (23:59 GMT+8) |
Early-Bird Registration Deadline | May 15, 2023 (23:59 GMT+8) |
Normal Registration Deadline | July 30, 2023 (23:59 GMT+8) |
Abstract Submission Process

- Submit Abstracts Website ONLY
- Receive Abstracts Submission Confirmation
- Review & Modification by April 30
- Receive Acceptance Notice by June 01
Abstract Submission Guidline
Please read the following instructions carefully before preparing your abstract.
Words limitation
- Title - maximum of 20 words. (First letter of each word should be capitalized except for preposition.)
- Body - maximum of 400 words. (With NO tables, figures, sub-headings or paragraph breaks.)
- Keyword(s) - maximum of 2-5 keywords (minimum of 2)
Primary Categories
A. Glycobiology
B. Chemical and Structural Biology
C. Analytics and Informatics
B. Chemical and Structural Biology
C. Analytics and Informatics
Preferred Subject Topic
A. Glyco Informatics and Systems Biology
B. Glyco Genomics and Transcriptomics
C. Glycomics and Glycoproteomics
D. Glycosylation in the ER/Golgi and Biosynthetic Regulation
E. Glyco Metabolism, Catabolic and Autophagosomal-lysosomal Pathways
F. Intracellular Glycosylation and O-GlcNAc
G. Proteoglycans and Extracellular Matrix
H. Glycan Binding Proteins and Glyco-Recognition
I. Mucin, Microbiome and Host-Microbe Interactions
J. Pathogenic Infection and Immunity
K. Glyco Neurobiology
L. Glyco Developmental Biology
M. Cancer Glycobiology and Immunotherapy
N. Glyco-related Diseases and Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation
O. Plant Cell Walls and Glycobiology
P. Diversity in Glycoconjugates from Non-Mammalian Organisms
Q. Glyco-Engineering and Synthetic Glycobiology
R. Chemical Glycobiology
S. Emerging Techniques, Novel Tools, and Analytical Methods
T. Therapeutics, Translational and Clinical Glycobiology
U. Others
B. Glyco Genomics and Transcriptomics
C. Glycomics and Glycoproteomics
D. Glycosylation in the ER/Golgi and Biosynthetic Regulation
E. Glyco Metabolism, Catabolic and Autophagosomal-lysosomal Pathways
F. Intracellular Glycosylation and O-GlcNAc
G. Proteoglycans and Extracellular Matrix
H. Glycan Binding Proteins and Glyco-Recognition
I. Mucin, Microbiome and Host-Microbe Interactions
J. Pathogenic Infection and Immunity
K. Glyco Neurobiology
L. Glyco Developmental Biology
M. Cancer Glycobiology and Immunotherapy
N. Glyco-related Diseases and Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation
O. Plant Cell Walls and Glycobiology
P. Diversity in Glycoconjugates from Non-Mammalian Organisms
Q. Glyco-Engineering and Synthetic Glycobiology
R. Chemical Glycobiology
S. Emerging Techniques, Novel Tools, and Analytical Methods
T. Therapeutics, Translational and Clinical Glycobiology
U. Others
- Only original and unpublished works are invited.
- The User of this Account would be recognizing as the Presenting Author of each submitted papers., however, each Presenting Author can only submit one abstract but can be a co-author of other abstracts.
- Maximally, 30 co-authors can be involved in an abstract. If co-authors' name are not filled in the system, they will not be shown in the final program.
- After the abstract is submitted, the system will automatically send a notification to Presenting Author’s mailbox.
- Please note that all abstracts must be presented to a poster session, however, the Scientific Committee will decide whether you can also present an oral presentation at the symposium.
- The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register before 23:59 (GMT+8), May 15, 2023 to have his/her abstract included in the Abstract Book & Symposium APP.
Copyright & Legal Obligation
- All information in the abstract submission, including authors' names, affiliations, authors order of listing, and the content of abstract, will be used in the symposium publications of Glyco26, and that the authors are responsible for the data and agree with the stated results.
- Glyco26 has the copyright to use the abstract in the symposium for scientific purposes without any prior notice to the contributor/authors.
- This abstract conforms to all the Glyco26 Abstract Rules and Procedures.
*Before Submitting, please prepare your abstract strictly according to the Abstract Guideline. If abstracts received do not meet the specification, Scientific Program Committee reserves the right to reject the submission.