PDF DOWNLOAD (Last Updated: Aug 18, 2023)
Track A @International Conference Hall, 3F
Session 4A1: GAGs & Proteoglycans
Chairs: Hiroshi Kitagawa, Ivan Dzhagalov
Chairs: Hiroshi Kitagawa, Ivan Dzhagalov
Keynote 1: Ryan Weiss, Univ. of Georgia, USA
Genome-wide analysis of heparin sulfate assembly (D043)
Genome-wide analysis of heparin sulfate assembly (D043)
Keynote 2: Linda Hsieh-Wilson, California Institute of Technology, USA
Decoding glycosaminoglycan-protein interactions (D044)
Decoding glycosaminoglycan-protein interactions (D044)
Fredrik Noborn, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden
The glycosaminoglycan glycoproteome – How many proteoglycans are out there? (A128)
The glycosaminoglycan glycoproteome – How many proteoglycans are out there? (A128)
Hsuan-Po Hsu, National Yang-Ming Chiao Tong Univ., Taiwan
Heparan sulfate Is essential for thymus growth during development (A124)
Heparan sulfate Is essential for thymus growth during development (A124)
Shuhei Yamada, Meijo Univ., Japan
Hereditary bone disorders caused by reduced activity of xylosyltransferases involved in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis (A118)
Hereditary bone disorders caused by reduced activity of xylosyltransferases involved in glycosaminoglycan biosynthesis (A118)
Coffee Break
@Lobby, 4F
Plenary 6: Hiroshi Kitagawa, Kobe Pharmaceutical Univ., Japan
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans - Studies in diversity (D009)
Chaired by: James Paulson
Sulfated glycosaminoglycans - Studies in diversity (D009)
Chaired by: James Paulson
@Communal area, 3F
Luncheon Seminar 4: SCIEX
@Recreation Hall, 4F
Pei Chen Lin
A novel fragmentation technology allows for in-depth glycopeptide characterization in glycoproteins
A novel fragmentation technology allows for in-depth glycopeptide characterization in glycoproteins
Plenary 7: Lara Mahal, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
Rethinking the paradigm: New roles for non-coding RNA in controlling the cancer glycome (D010)
Chaired by: Celso Reis
Rethinking the paradigm: New roles for non-coding RNA in controlling the cancer glycome (D010)
Chaired by: Celso Reis
Session 4A2: Glyco Neurobiology
Chairs: Rita Gerardy-Schahn, Yijuang Chern
Chairs: Rita Gerardy-Schahn, Yijuang Chern
Keynote 1: Kenji Kadomatsu, Nagoya Univ., Japan
Cross-talk of glycosaminoglycans and cell surface receptors in neural wiring/rewiring (D045)
Cross-talk of glycosaminoglycans and cell surface receptors in neural wiring/rewiring (D045)
Keynote 2: Jessica CF Kwok, Univ. of Leeds, UK
A sugar coat on neuronal surface: the supramolecular assembly of glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins in regulating neuroplasticity (D046)
A sugar coat on neuronal surface: the supramolecular assembly of glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins in regulating neuroplasticity (D046)
Lianchun Wang, Univ. of South Florida, USA
Vascular heparan sulfate and amyloid-β Immunopositivity increases in Alzheimer’s disease patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (A116)
Vascular heparan sulfate and amyloid-β Immunopositivity increases in Alzheimer’s disease patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (A116)
Debapriya Kundu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Deciphering the mechanistic link between O-GlcNAcylation and Tau proteinopathy in Alzheimer's disease (A134)
Deciphering the mechanistic link between O-GlcNAcylation and Tau proteinopathy in Alzheimer's disease (A134)
John Monyror, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
Gangliosides modulate the secretion of extracellular vesicles and their misfolded protein cargo (A130)
Gangliosides modulate the secretion of extracellular vesicles and their misfolded protein cargo (A130)
Travel Award: Giulia Lunghi, Univ. of Milano, Italy
Glucosylceramide lysosomal accumulation leads to metabolic alterations underlying neuronal degeneration in GCase-related pathologies (A015)
Glucosylceramide lysosomal accumulation leads to metabolic alterations underlying neuronal degeneration in GCase-related pathologies (A015)
Track B @2nd Conference Room, 3F
Session 4B1: Plant Cell Wall and Glycosylation
Chairs: Els van Damme, Lay-Sun Ma
Chairs: Els van Damme, Lay-Sun Ma
Keynote 1: Debra Mohnen, Univ. of Georgia, USA
Pectic glycoconjugates in plant cell walls: Working toward understanding their structure, synthesis and function (D047)
Pectic glycoconjugates in plant cell walls: Working toward understanding their structure, synthesis and function (D047)
Keynote 2: Harry Brumer, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada
The human gut microbiota-plant cell wall nexus (D048)
The human gut microbiota-plant cell wall nexus (D048)
Chibbhi KB, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Ustilago maydis N-glycosylation dependent virulent effector ALE1 targets maize ZmTaxi to counteract its attack on UmXylanase11A (A142)
Ustilago maydis N-glycosylation dependent virulent effector ALE1 targets maize ZmTaxi to counteract its attack on UmXylanase11A (A142)
Leela Siva Ranjani Vutharadhi, Univ. Hyderabad, India
A novel alpha-galactosidase from Momordica charantia (bitter gourd) seeds – Lectin-affinity purification, biochemical characterization and possible physiological functions (A140)
A novel alpha-galactosidase from Momordica charantia (bitter gourd) seeds – Lectin-affinity purification, biochemical characterization and possible physiological functions (A140)
Els JM van Damme, Ghent Univ., Belgium
Cell-wall associated glycosyl hydrolase 27 with α-D-galactosidase/β-L-arabinopyranosidase activity from rice (A143)
Cell-wall associated glycosyl hydrolase 27 with α-D-galactosidase/β-L-arabinopyranosidase activity from rice (A143)
Session 4B2: Systems Glycobiology
Chairs: Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Yuh-San Jou
Chairs: Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Yuh-San Jou
Keynote 1: Sriram Neelamegham, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, USA
Systems level studies of viral infection: Roles for site-specific glycosylation, biochemical pathways and intracellular lectins (D049)
Systems level studies of viral infection: Roles for site-specific glycosylation, biochemical pathways and intracellular lectins (D049)
Keynote 2: Daniel Bojar, Univ. of Gothenburg, Sweden
An interface is worth a thousand pictures: An integrated systems approach to glycobiology (D050)
An interface is worth a thousand pictures: An integrated systems approach to glycobiology (D050)
Ratmir Derda, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
Genetically-encoded liquid glycan arrays explore protein-glycan interactions in vivo (C001)
Genetically-encoded liquid glycan arrays explore protein-glycan interactions in vivo (C001)
Taiki Saito, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan
Molecular networks involving glycosyltransferases characterized by proximity labeling (A013)
Molecular networks involving glycosyltransferases characterized by proximity labeling (A013)
Hiroaki Tateno, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
Droplet-based glycan and RNA Sequencing for profiling the distinct cellular glyco-states in single cells (C018)
Droplet-based glycan and RNA Sequencing for profiling the distinct cellular glyco-states in single cells (C018)
@3rd + 4th Floor Hallway
Poster Session II (with Coffee served)
Gala Dinner
Peng's Gourmet & Banquet, 6F