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Track A @ International Conference Hall, 3F
Session 1A1: GBP in Immunoregulation & Cell Homeostasis
Chairs: Maureen Taylor, Kuo-I Lin
Chairs: Maureen Taylor, Kuo-I Lin
Keynote 1: Matthew Macauley, Univ. of Alberta, Canada
New insights about the glycan ligands of Siglecs and their ability to control immune cells (D016)
New insights about the glycan ligands of Siglecs and their ability to control immune cells (D016)
Keynote 2: Karina V Mariño, CONICET, Argentina
Exploring glycosylation-dependent pathways as modulators of intestinal inflammation (D017)
Exploring glycosylation-dependent pathways as modulators of intestinal inflammation (D017)
Takeshi Tsubata, Nihon Univ., Japan
Role of endogenous glycan ligands of CD22 (Siglec-2) in immunity (A068)
Role of endogenous glycan ligands of CD22 (Siglec-2) in immunity (A068)
Alba Silipo, Univ. of Naples Federico II, Italy
Siglecs interaction with glycans: A molecular view (A042)
Siglecs interaction with glycans: A molecular view (A042)
Huei-Syuan Jiang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Comprehensive study of Siglec-15 ligands on osteoclast precursors by genome-wide knockout screening (A029)
Comprehensive study of Siglec-15 ligands on osteoclast precursors by genome-wide knockout screening (A029)
ThuyLinh DangCao Linda, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Cancer specific sialylation of glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B Interact with tumor associated macrophage in triple-negative breast carcinoma via Siglec-9 (A105)
Cancer specific sialylation of glycoprotein nonmetastatic melanoma protein B Interact with tumor associated macrophage in triple-negative breast carcinoma via Siglec-9 (A105)
Coffee Break
@Lobby, 4F
Plenary 1: Alice Yu, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Univ., Taiwan
Cancer immunotherapy targeting glycosphingolipids (D004)
Chaired by: Jin-Ichi Inokuchi
Cancer immunotherapy targeting glycosphingolipids (D004)
Chaired by: Jin-Ichi Inokuchi
@Communal area, 3F
Luncheon Seminar 1: GlycoNex Inc.
@Recreation Hall, 4F
Chaired by: Caroline-Setyo Suwardi
Yen-Ying Chen
Accelerating the journey from concept to clinic with innovative glycan-targeted drug approaches in oncology
Yen-Ying Chen
Accelerating the journey from concept to clinic with innovative glycan-targeted drug approaches in oncology
Plenary 2: Heinz Läubli, Univ. of Basel, Switzerland
Targeting cancer-associated sialylation for cancer immunotherapy (D005)
Chaired by: Takashi Angata
Targeting cancer-associated sialylation for cancer immunotherapy (D005)
Chaired by: Takashi Angata
Session 1A2: Cancer Glycobiology & Immunotherapy
Chairs: Heinz Läubli, Chia-Wei Li
Chairs: Heinz Läubli, Chia-Wei Li
Keynote 1: Avery Posey, Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
Leveraging tumor-associated alterations in O-glycosylation for cancer immunotherapy (D018)
Leveraging tumor-associated alterations in O-glycosylation for cancer immunotherapy (D018)
Keynote 2: Salomé Pinho, Univ. of Porto, Portugal
Glycans at the frontiers of inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer: mechanisms and clinical implications (D019)
Glycans at the frontiers of inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer: mechanisms and clinical implications (D019)
Jianguo Gu, Tohoku Medical Pharmaceutical Univ., Japan
Alteration in N-glycans in cancer drug resistance: A new function of GnT-III (A082)
Alteration in N-glycans in cancer drug resistance: A new function of GnT-III (A082)
Hiroto Kawashima, Chiba Univ., Japan
Development of a novel anti-sulfated glycan antibody that blocks lymphocyte homing to nasal associated-lymphoid tissues and allergic rhinitis in mice (A062)
Development of a novel anti-sulfated glycan antibody that blocks lymphocyte homing to nasal associated-lymphoid tissues and allergic rhinitis in mice (A062)
Alice ST Wong, Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
ST3GAL4 promotes the first critical step of ovarian cancer metastasis (A102)
ST3GAL4 promotes the first critical step of ovarian cancer metastasis (A102)
Travel Award: Seigo Tateo, Kagoshima Univ., Japan
Development of sugar chain binding chimeric antigen receptor expressed natural killer cells for immunotherapy against adult T cell leukemia (ATL) (A111)
Development of sugar chain binding chimeric antigen receptor expressed natural killer cells for immunotherapy against adult T cell leukemia (ATL) (A111)
Coffee Break
@Lobby, 4F
Glyco-Informatics Workshop
Coordinators: Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Issaku Yamada
Speakers and Panelists:
Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Soka Univ.; Issaku Yamada, Nogochi Institute; Daniel Bojar, Univ. of Gothenburg; Akihiro Fujita, Soka Univ.; Morihisa Fujita, Gifu Univ.; Daniel Kolarich, Griffith Univ.; Atsushi Kuno, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Thomas Masding,
Soka Univ.; Sriram Neelamegham, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo; Shujiro Okuda, Niigata Univ.; Michael Tiemeyer, Univ. of Georgia
Coordinators: Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Issaku Yamada
Speakers and Panelists:
Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Soka Univ.; Issaku Yamada, Nogochi Institute; Daniel Bojar, Univ. of Gothenburg; Akihiro Fujita, Soka Univ.; Morihisa Fujita, Gifu Univ.; Daniel Kolarich, Griffith Univ.; Atsushi Kuno, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Thomas Masding,
Soka Univ.; Sriram Neelamegham, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo; Shujiro Okuda, Niigata Univ.; Michael Tiemeyer, Univ. of Georgia
Track B @2nd Conference Room, 3F
Session 1B1: Glycosylation in ER/Golgi and Biosynthetic Regulation
Chairs: Koichi Kato, Ruey-Bing Yang
Chairs: Koichi Kato, Ruey-Bing Yang
Keynote 1: Adnan Halim, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
Complex regulation of domain-specific O-mannosylation by three non-redundant enzyme families (D020)
Complex regulation of domain-specific O-mannosylation by three non-redundant enzyme families (D020)
Keynote 2: Hans Bakker, Hannover Medical School, Germany
C-mannosylation of proteins: specificity and function (D021)
C-mannosylation of proteins: specificity and function (D021)
Tetsuya Okajima, Nagoya Univ., Japan
The structure and function of "extracellular" O-GlcNAc modification in mammals (A010)
The structure and function of "extracellular" O-GlcNAc modification in mammals (A010)
Satoshi Ninagawa, Kobe Univ., Japan
EDEM2-S-S-TXNDC11 complex trims N-glycan from M9 to M8B in the endoplasmic reticulum (A003)
EDEM2-S-S-TXNDC11 complex trims N-glycan from M9 to M8B in the endoplasmic reticulum (A003)
Kiichiro Totani, Seikei Univ., Japan
Endomannosidase contributes to degradation of misfolded glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (A009)
Endomannosidase contributes to degradation of misfolded glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (A009)
Vladimir Lupashin, Univ. of Arkansas, USA
Understanding the essential role of COG and GARP vesicle tethering complexes and SNAREs in regulating protein glycosylation in human cells (A001)
Understanding the essential role of COG and GARP vesicle tethering complexes and SNAREs in regulating protein glycosylation in human cells (A001)
Session 1B2: Glyco-Metabolism & Autophago-lysosomal Pathways
Chairs: Fu-Tong Liu, Guang-Chao Chen
Chairs: Fu-Tong Liu, Guang-Chao Chen
Keynote 1: Vojo Deretic, Univ. of New Mexico School of Medicine, USA
Galectins, Atg8ylation, and stress granules in autophagy and membrane stress response (D022)

Galectins, Atg8ylation, and stress granules in autophagy and membrane stress response (D022)

The EMBO Keynote Lecture: Ludger Johannes, Institut Curie, France
Desialylation glycoswitch to acutely control endocytosis (D023)
Desialylation glycoswitch to acutely control endocytosis (D023)
Alexey Pshezhetsky, Univ. of Montreal, Canada
Protein sialylation as a defining factor for hematopoiesis, adult myogenesis and kidney function (A021)
Protein sialylation as a defining factor for hematopoiesis, adult myogenesis and kidney function (A021)
Ching-Yuan Cheng, National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
Intracellular Galectin-1 involves in erythropoiesis via regulating STATs, ERK, and Smad2/3 signaling (A018)
Intracellular Galectin-1 involves in erythropoiesis via regulating STATs, ERK, and Smad2/3 signaling (A018)
Chia-Lin Hsu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung Univ, Taiwan
The intracellular nucleoside transporter, ENT3, regulates lysosome-mediated activities in immune cells (A020)
The intracellular nucleoside transporter, ENT3, regulates lysosome-mediated activities in immune cells (A020)
Session 1B3: Travel Award & Young Scientists
Chairs: Ching-Ching Yu, Chian-Hui Lai
Chairs: Ching-Ching Yu, Chian-Hui Lai
Travel Award: Jeff Hsiao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Mucin O-glycans are host-derived immunomodulators of neutrophil Inflammatory activity (A052)
Mucin O-glycans are host-derived immunomodulators of neutrophil Inflammatory activity (A052)
Travel Award: Inês Alves, Univ. of Porto, Portugal
Abnormal glycosignature of host tissue triggers pathogenic recognition through γδT cells/IL-17a axis in autoimmunity (A109)
Abnormal glycosignature of host tissue triggers pathogenic recognition through γδT cells/IL-17a axis in autoimmunity (A109)
Travel Award: Nohelly Derosiers, Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
Investigating the efficacy of Siglec-15 based CAR T-cells (A085)
Investigating the efficacy of Siglec-15 based CAR T-cells (A085)
Travel Award: The Huong Chau, Macquaire Univ., Australia
Glycomics-assisted glycoproteomics enables insights into the complex glycoproteome of resting and activated platelets (C021)
Glycomics-assisted glycoproteomics enables insights into the complex glycoproteome of resting and activated platelets (C021)
Chia Yen Liew, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
LODES/MSn for structural determination of high mannose N-glycan isomers in multicellular eukaryotic cells (C045)
LODES/MSn for structural determination of high mannose N-glycan isomers in multicellular eukaryotic cells (C045)
Yi-Hsuan Chang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Protein O-GlcNAcylation regulates the homeostasis of innate B lymphocytes (A022)
Protein O-GlcNAcylation regulates the homeostasis of innate B lymphocytes (A022)
Shwee Khuan Leong, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Site-specific multiple fluorescent metabolic glycan labelling and glycoproteomic profiling in live cells (B010)
Site-specific multiple fluorescent metabolic glycan labelling and glycoproteomic profiling in live cells (B010)